

Trough the eyes of C41, the photographer Alecio Ferrari and thanks to the art direction by Simone Piermaria, Flos casts an original point of view over its own archive.

Diving in an almost endless collection of papers, sketches and photographs, grasping a glimpse over a thick heritage which is born under a new contemporary shape. The whole project developed trough set design by Patrizia Gatto aims to cast a point of view over the archive that is not intended to be or feel nostalgic, but rather to interprete the past accordingly to the current moment, using it to trigger thoughts and reflection over the present.

Framing and explaining Today trough a fresh look towards its heritage and story.

C41, creative production company
Furia, talent agency
Leone Balduzzi, executive producer
Alecio Ferrari, photographer
Simone Piermaria, art director
Patrizia Gatto, set designer
Alessandro Biasotto, digital operator
Luca Baldini, lighting assistant